What does action mean on an IB campus?

Action is part of who we are at Spicewood Elementary. It's one of the five essential elements of the PYP program and we've made it a part of our campus vision statement. Each day teachers continue to be mindful of how they are planning and creating intentional...

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Fall Parent Information Night Recap

In case you weren't able to make it, we're sharing a recap of our annual fall IB PYP Parent Information Night, "What is an IB Education Anyways?. Below are a few other resources (see below) for you to best support and continue to learn more about the PYP program here...

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How the World Works: UT Physics Circus

One of the PYP's six transdisciplinary themes, How the World Works, allows our students to investigate the natural world, scientific principles, technological advances, and their connection and affect on our world and selves. Within their classrooms, students engage...

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Living the Learner Profile: Parent Resource

On Tuesday, October 10th, our campus will once again host our biannual Student Led Conferences. During these conferences, students are in the "drivers seat" sharing and discussing their goals for the new school year with their parents and teacher. Students reflect on...

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Living Our Vision Statement

Every year our teachers reevaluate the implementation of our PYP program and reflect on where we want to go as a school. Our entire campus sits down together to reflect on and rewrite our vision and mission statements. These statements give us a purpose in our every...

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