In the final year of the PYP (Primary Years Program) students participate in a culminating project called Exhibition. This project gives students the opportunity to reflect on and apply the knowledge and skills acquired here at Spicewood. This final unit of inquiry is quite different than all other units within the program in that it unites the 5th grade students, all teachers, parents, and other community members in a collaborative experience that incorporates all of the essential elements (knowledge, skills, attitudes, concepts, action) of the PYP program.
This last week our school began this process with our first round of mentor meetings. During these meetings, small groups fifth grade students met with different grade level teachers to engage in reflective conversations about their work in the student portfolios, specifically focusing on different artifacts or learning experiences that particularly “tugged at their heart strings” during their time at Spicewood Elementary.
We’ll be following our fifth graders over the next seven weeks sharing with you more about the process of exhibition, culminating on our Exhibition Day, Wednesday, May 24th (formal invitation to follow!).