Updates from the Principal

Dear Families and Community,

It’s always hard for  students to return to school after having two weeks of vacation. However, our students did a wonderful job transitioning and jumped into learning without hesitation! Last Friday, I saw a lot of display boards going home, which can only mean one thing – Science Fair is coming!! I look forward to seeing the outstanding work students will share with our learning community during Science Fair in couple of weeks! Last but not least, I would like to wish all Spicewood Elementary students participating in the campus Spelling Bee this Wednesday the best of luck! Go Panthers!

PYP 101

This portion of Ms. Page’s newsletter is contributed by our PYP Coordinator, Jessica Vance.

We’ve had a busy end to the fall semester full of inquiry, questioning, collaboration and lots of ACTION by our teachers and students. As with all PYP learners at Spicewood Elementary, we encourage our students to be active participants in the learning process, guiding the inquiries in each classroom in their own unique way. This week I’m sharing some highlights from what we’ve been up to as we aspire to build a caring community of innovative, globally minded citizens who take action. From new year intentions to innovators engaged in the design process, there’s no doubt that our Panthers are living the attributes of the Learner Profile!

Don’t forget to keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!


Please participate in the 2019 Family Climate Survey
Parents, please take a few moments to participate in the 2019 Family Climate Survey today. Each day staff, students and volunteers at Spicewood Elementary work hard to ensure academic programs and the campus environment meet the needs of all children. You are a critical part of our success! The survey will only be available for a short time, please participate today.


Spicewood Teaching Garden
We need you! Please consider signing up to be a weekly volunteer in the school garden! Your responsibilities will include watering, weeding, and maintaining our garden. This is a great opportunity for your family to be a part of this special addition to our school. Here is the link for signups – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0f4daeaf23a4fc1-201819
Thank you!

Science fair Registration:
Science fair will be held from Jan 28th-Jan 30th . All completed science fair boards must be brought to school on Jan 28th.
Registration for science fair is now open for all Kinder – 3rd grade students. All 4th and 5th graders will register projects with their respective teachers. To register for science fair please visit:

Science fair Volunteers:
We are looking for volunteers to help with the science fair . 2 hour shifts are available for all days. If you would like to volunteer, please signup by visiting

If you have any questions or would like to help with the science fair, contact Manisha Gupta at manigupta11@gmail.com

Attention All Parents of  5th Grade Students
Now that we have entered the spring semester, the preparation for our students’ transition to middle school begins! Please see below for information and important dates regarding choice sheets, parent information night and instrument selections for students choosing band or orchestra as their elective. You are also encouraged to see Mrs. Kentopp’s Counseling website for additional information.

During the week of January 21st, Mrs. Kentopp will schedule presentations and distribute choice sheets.
February 8th     Choice Sheets will be due back
March 12th        Parent information session for CVMS
                           6:00-7:00pm (CVMS gym)
March 30th        Band instrument testing
                           8:00am-4:00pm  (Band Hall)

Our Music Department’s Doing Something New!
Spicewood Elementary is fortunate to have two phenomenal music teachers who truly desire to give students authentic learning experiences. Committed to giving more opportunity to students to create, play and take ownership of their program, Ms. McKenna and Mr. Sharpe are excited to announce they will be doing something new this spring with our music programs.

Second grade will be doing a program based off of a book where students will be creating rhythmic compositions, melodies, and creative movement to bring the book to life.

Kindergarten will be doing a morning parent performance that will include student poetry, songs, and instruments that is all about parents!

First grade will have a week where parents can come and join their student in music class; the parents will be able to sign up for a day to watch a short performance of their child’s class and then be a 1st grade music student for a day.

Parents come prepared to sing, play, and dance with your child. The music department is so excited for you see what they have planned! Please stay tuned for more details!

One World, One Night
Would you like a chance to travel the world without buying a plane ticket? What would be better than to give our students and their families a passport to cultures around the world? Please join us for One World One Night on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Spicewood Elementary.

At the festival you will find tables hosted by fellow Spicewood parents sharing their cultures by exhibiting artifacts and traditional clothing, teaching crafts and games and providing culinary samples. Last Spring the event featured Korea, China, Israel, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Italy, Peru, France, Bahamas, India, China, Ethiopia, Korea and Iran. Each year the number of countries grow and we encourage all cultures at Spicewood Elementary to consider participating in this “One World One Night” Festival. It is a great way to introduce our students to cultures from around the world and embrace the IB education.

This event can not be possible without your participation, if you would like further information or are interested in participating in this event, please do not hesitate to email us at Spicewoodoneworldonenight@gmail.com.


Tuesday, January 8
First Day Back for Students

Wednesday, January 16
Mustang Express Day – 5th Grade Students Visit Canyon Vista Middle School
6:00PM – 8:30M  – SWES Spelling Bee

Monday, January 21
Martin Luther King Jr Day – No School

Thursday, January 24
6:00PM – General PTA Meeting #3

Wednesday, January 30
5:00PM – 7:00PM  – Science Fair Viewing

Thursday, January 31
Picture Day

Friday, February 1

Tuesday, February 5
Spirit Night at MOD Pizza (11521 N Ranch Road 620, #450)
5:00pm – 800pm

Thursday, February 14
Valentine’s Day Parties

Monday, February 18
President’s Day –   No School

Tuesday, February 19
District Professional Development for Staff-  No School

Have a great week!


Teyan Page

Proud Principal