Updates from the Principal

Dear Families and Community,

I can’t believe we are entering into the week before the winter break! This week will be fast and furious filled with exciting events and activities! While visiting the campus this week, please take some time to visit our lost and found. It is overflowing with jackets, gloves, hats, water bottles and many other items. All items not claimed by Wednesday, Dec 19th will be gathered and donated. I look forward to seeing you on campus this week for Principals’ Pride, First Grade’s  Traveling Through Traditions celebration and winter parties!


Daisy Troop 40211 Raise Money For a Cause
The Girl Scout troops of Spicewood Elementary hosted their 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar this past Friday! They did a wonderful job making inexpensive and fun handmade crafts to sale. All money raised at this event will be donated to Mobile Loaves and Fishes, a volunteer program to feed the homeless. Thank you for your support.



Donation Dash
Spicewood Elementary has been collecting jars of peanut butter, Ramen Noodles, tuna, pudding cups, box of mac & cheese, juice boxes, and protein bars to donate to the Anderson Mill Elementary Food Pantry. We would like to encourage our students to participate in a final Donation Dash on Tuesday, December 18th. Any student who donates Tuesday morning will be allowed to place their name in a drawing to receive a special prize. The winner will be announced  on Wednesday, December 20th. Thank you for supporting the Anderson Mill Elementary Armadillos!

Join PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
Thank you for your tremendous support! Spicewood Elementary PTA currently has 731
Members. Help us reach our goal of 100%representation and join today. Together we CAN back the future!! Thank you for supporting Spicewood PTA.

Cookies For Courage
Spicewood’s Student Council is collecting cookies for the courageous people that help us every day (firefighters, police officers, and nurses). Please donate some cookies on the morning of Wednesday, December 19. Student council will be set up by the school library to collect the cookies as school opens that day.
Parents can volunteer to help deliver the treats by emailing Ms. Pelletier at jeanne_pelletier@roundrockisd.org.
If you are donating cookies that are nut-free or gluten-free, kindly label the boxes.

Sister School – The Anderson Mill Elementary Giving Tree
Many of you who were unable to attend the auction (or missed the Giving Tree) have asked if you can still contribute an item to the AMES teachers. The answer is YES! We still have many tags that were not taken. Below are directions how you can contribute to filling the needs of classrooms at Anderson Mill Elementary:
1. Click on the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1npGEQ-mdhsxzKafNpwiroNp41yXyoRr-qPz00Gkp_UE/edit?usp=sharing
2. Select an item you would like to purchase and fill-in your name and email address.
3. Click the link in the row you selected to take you to the item to purchase.
4. Have item shipped to:
Laura Denbar
9631 Vista View Drive
Austin,TX, 78750
These items are direct requests of teachers at AME. Through the Amazon Smile account, Spicewood also receives a kickback as items are purchased. Thank you for your consideration!

One World, One Night
Would you like a chance to travel the world without buying a plane ticket? What would be better than to give our students and their families a passport to cultures around the world? Please join us for One World One Night on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Spicewood Elementary.

At the festival you will find tables hosted by fellow Spicewood parents sharing their cultures by exhibiting artifacts and traditional clothing, teaching crafts and games and providing culinary samples. Last Spring the event featured Korea, China, Israel, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Italy, Peru, France, Bahamas, India, China, Ethiopia, Korea and Iran. Each year the number of countries grow and we encourage all cultures at Spicewood Elementary to consider participating in this “One World One Night” Festival. It is a great way to introduce our students to cultures from around the world and embrace the IB education.

This event can not be possible without your participation, if you would like further information or are interested in participating in this event, please do not hesitate to email us at Spicewoodoneworldonenight@gmail.com.


Monday, December 17
8:00AM – 8:30AM Principals’ Pride (K-2)

Tuesday, December 18
8:00AM – 8:30AM Principals’ Pride (3-5)
8:00AM – 12:00PM No Parking at Hope Church

Wednesday, December 19
Classroom Winter Parties – Last day for students
8:00AM – 12:00PM No Parking at Hope Church

Thursday, December 20 – Monday, January 7
No School – Winter Break

Tuesday, January 8
First Day Back for Students

Wednesday, January 16
Mustang Express Day – 5th Grade Students Visit Canyon Vista Middle School
6:00PM – 8:30M  – SWES Spelling Bee

Monday, January 21
Martin Luther King Jr Day – No School

Thursday, January 24
6:00PM – General PTA Meeting #3

Have a wonderful week!


Teyan Page

Proud Principal