In order to begin to work towards fulfilling our mission, “Spicewood aspires to be a caring community of innovative, globally minded citizens who take action.”, we need to first form as a community.
At the beginning of each school year, our teachers intentionally plan several days of team building activities, opportunities to explore the campus, create essential agreements, and a variety learning experiences in the classroom that allow our students to begin to get to know one another, share experiences, build trust, collaborate, and in turn, bond as a community. Our very own RRISD superintendent, Dr. Flores, even came by to check in our Spicewood Panthers as they continued to build their communities over the week. #roundrock1family
If you haven’t already, check in with your child and/or social media to learn more about what they did to come together as a community with their classmates & school. We invite you to make this a weekly habit to be able to stay more connected with our Spicewood IB community. You can also stay connected with our inquiries all year long by following us on Twitter @Spicewoodpyp, Instagram @spicewoodelempyp or Facebook @rrisd.spicewood. We look forward to seeing how our community grows and continues to come together to truly be living our school’s vision!