ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) in the PYP encompasses the use of a wide range of digital tools, media, and learning environments for teaching, learning and assessing. The following six ICT skills are relevant to all learners and is what we focus on as we integrate technology into our learning environment: investigating, creating, communicating, collaborating, organizing, and becoming responsible digital citizens. Becoming a responsible digital citizen involves using technology to make informed and ethical choices while acting with integrity and honesty. In a globally connected digital world, learners are empowered to be responsible for their actions, to value others’ rights, and to practice safe and legal behaviors.
Last week during Digital Citizenship Week, we focused on critical thinking, creative credit & copyright, and recognizing the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world. Throughout their units of inquiry, students will also make connections to what it means to be a good digital citizen as they explore various concepts, tools, and research strategies. For example, students in first grade are exploring the concept of responsibility as it relates to the interconnectedness of systems and communities. Here they will investigate how the Internet is a community and what our responsibilities are to each other as members of that community. Students in third grade, exploring that same concept of responsibility, will go deeper by exploring what kinds of responsibilities a good digital citizen has and what it means to take on responsibilities in both their offline and online communities.
In addition to the work we do at Spicewood related to digital citizenship, Round Rock ISD is also committed to supporting all students, staff, and families in becoming responsible digital citizens. You can learn more by visiting our district digital citizenship website and add CommonSense Media to your reading list.